Payam Fardanesh


Payam Fardanesh is an Iranian American and spent his first 10 years in Tehran. He is fascinated with the Persian culture and its influence on art, food, and culture worldwide. In the US he has held onto his past through food and drink. “Persian food has its own life, its own prana” From Pomegranates, white mulberries, to an exquisite use of saffron.

Payam is a B-School Grad and Silk Road Soda is his second business venture, his first company was sold to an international suitor in 2009. He is a self proclaimed Fruit and Veggie Expert, and shares this knowledge on Silk Road Sodas social media presence.  He also enjoys travel and chasing his globe trotting family to places like Kenya, Malaysia, France, Mexico, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Greece Turkey, China. “The best way to experience culture is through its flavors. Silk Road is our way of sharing the East with the West.”

Learn more about Silk Road Soda Company