Ken Schramm


Ken Schramm is owner/head meadmaker at Schramm’s Mead in Ferndale, Michigan, and the author of “The Compleat Meadmaker,” (©2003, Brewers Publications, Boulder, CO), the current reference text of record on mead making. It has sold more than 60,000 copies. Schramm has been making mead since 1988. He co-founded the Mazer Cup Mead Competition in 1992, the world’s oldest and largest mead-only competition. Schramm is also an avid fruit grower, and has grafted multiple varieties of cherries and apples onto trees in his orchard. He has presented at brewing, meadmaking and winemaking conferences from Delaware to Alaska over the past 20+ years, kicked off in 1994 by the first “Mead Matrix” with Dr. Dan McConnell – a flight of twelve meads made with the same recipe: six from the same honey and different yeast strains, and six with the same yeast strain and different varietal honeys. Schramm lives in Troy, Michigan.

Learn more about Schramm's Mead