Lewis Perdue


Lewis Perdue is Publisher and Executive Editor and of Wine Industry Insight and Craft Beverage Insights.

Wine Industry Insight’s daily News Fetch executive email briefing enjoys the largest daily subscribership (22,000+) in the North American wine industry.

Craft Beverage Insights was launched in October 2015  and covers craft and artisan beer, spirits, wine, cider, mead and soda. Its daily email — Craft Bev News Fetch — is received by more than 16,000 members of the trade.

He previously founded Wines West, a Los Angeles-based wine importer/wholesaler/distributor specializing in high-end Italian brands. Lewis also founded Wine Business Monthly in 1991, which remains the American wine industry’s largest circulation print publication.

Lewis has a long background in the technology industry and has founded or helped found four companies, two of which have gone public. He is currently developing Tribes (recommendationinsights.com), a patent-pending recommendation algorithm that is far more accurate than any other in use for wine, music, books, movies and other products “of taste.”

Lewis has served as a top aide to a U.S. Senator and a state governor, run political races for Congress, worked as a Washington correspondent (Ottaway/Dow-Jones, States News Service), a columnist for Gannett, The Wall Street Journal Online, CBS Marketwatch and TheStreet.Com.

He has served on the faculties at UCLA and Cornell University and is the author of 22 published books including several bestsellers.

Learn more about Wine Industry Insight

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